"Dr. Diyab Chaden, leader of French environmental consultant for Al Youm said that understanding the Peace Canal project in its environmental aspects essential is to identify key impacts and obstacles that may impede the progress of projects such as the effect of the desalination, the change of chemical composition which occurs after the mixing of waters of two seas."

Al Youm, Amman, Jordan December 19, 2009

Full article in Arabic from Al Youm

A risk is an event that if it happens, can have positive or negative impact. In fact, we are living in a world driven by risk; however, we are not, in most of the times, aware about the concept of “Risk” especially while we are in the process of decision making. The extreme impact of certain kinds of rare and unpredictable events (outliers), provoke humans' tendency to find simplistic explanations for these events retrospectively, after the fact. This fact, which evolved into theory, has since become known as the black swan theory. The question that imposes itself is how we can approach risks in complex industrial contexts and manage their impacts on the corporations’ productivity and their over whole system, such as new environmental regulations, technology and new innovative technology solutions?

Actually the recent globalization accidents, such as that of Japan and Fucksuchima incident, and Mexico and BP accident, demonstrated a good example of the need to adopt risk and planning management approaches especially after crises and to study its impact on human health. In any industrial context, risk management of any industrial activity should be considered an important parameter and become a critical and essential point especially in evolutional Middle Eastern context.

Throughout our presentation, we will explain and demonstrate some of the national French regulations and policies and their adaptation to manage risk. In addition, we will highlight some innovative technology solutions used in industrial zones before and after the crises, such as : AZF factory explosion at Toulouse , Carlling Mossel incident and Erika spill oil accident on the French coast. These case studies are essential to indicate how French regulations were adapted to minimize risks, and how using a strategy and technical solution approaches could be useful to manage sites transaction and risk assessment management system.

During the presentation, we will explore thoroughly the REACH, which are the European Community Regulations on chemicals and their safe use , that deal with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances. We will present some innovative technology solutions which have been employed during different incidents to manage the risk within the crises zones.

About the founder

The city of our dreams. It’s a passionate subject. Thinking about it, it’s a bit like imagining a Paradise. Logical thinking often leaves room for imagination; each of us has a vision of our own. The city of our dreams is an ideal, without an existent common project.

 An Ancient Debate



In the play “The Birds” (414 BC), Aristophanes and Hippos have a conflict over two opposing vision of the ideal city:

?            That of a city built according to a mathematic and orderly approach

?            And that of a city that puts humans first and foremost


The Dream of a Green City


What do we imagine, when we think of the concept of a Green City?

?            a city free of the weight of industrial pollution?

?            a city capable of regenerating its soil previously contaminated by source pollution?

?            a city able to harness the sun and wind as an energy source?

Therefore, the “the smart city” would be an ideal founded upon clean technology.

Nevertheless, the cities of the future cannot be reduced to simply a technologic approach.


Innovation Isn’t Necessarily Entirely Rooted in Technology


My grandmother took care of her 14 children, all the while dealing with a war that has yet to cease. She has continued to innovate to adapt to a quotidian life marked by a lack of water and electricity.

My mother had to face war during her daily life, as well. She had to find original solutions  with sparse resources so that we could escape the situation.


In India, Africa, and various countries ravaged by war, people constantly innovate. But these “smart” solutions are often quite costly. We have much to learn from people of these countries. The future of our cities could also profit from their knowledge, and these “frugal” innovations.


Putting Man First and Foremost in the City of Tomorrow


Before 1975, Beirut had been a cosmopolitan city that breathed life. Today, Lebanon’s capital bears the scars of a civil war. It is an exhausted city, that desperately wishes to reclaim its colorful energy and life it once had. Beirut doesn’t want to be “smart” ; Beirut wants to find its soul, its joy. It isn’t looking for technology, but a guarantee that everyone can live and share in harmony. Above all, it is a human project. It’s a dream that is also shared by cities such as Damascus, Baghdad, or Tobruk.


The Tower of Babel

The city of tomorrow can be built around increasingly high towers, inhabited by people  who don’t necessarily understand each other, even if a common language has been found. The myth of Babel is a cautionary tale, warning us of the dangers of a purely technological project.


It is incredibly important to put people at the heart of our urban plans. The challenge is to create links, harmony, and joy amongst the inhabitants of our cities, so that they may become places of peace, joy, happiness, and well-being for all.


Chaden Diyab

The Dream City


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 The Dream City


The city of our dreams. It’s a passionate subject. Thinking about it, it’s a bit like imagining a Paradise. Logical thinking often leaves room for imagination; each of us has a vision of our own. The city of our dreams is an ideal, without an existent common project.


An Ancient Debate


In the play “The Birds” (414 BC), Aristophanes and Hippos have a conflict over two opposing vision of the ideal city:

?            That of a city built according to a mathematic and orderly approach

?            And that of a city that puts humans first and foremost


The Dream of a Green City


What do we imagine, when we think of the concept of a Green City?

?            a city free of the weight of industrial pollution?

?            a city capable of regenerating its soil previously contaminated by source pollution?

?            a city able to harness the sun and wind as an energy source?

Therefore, the “the smart city” would be an ideal founded upon clean technology.

Nevertheless, the cities of the future cannot be reduced to simply a technologic approach.


Innovation Isn’t Necessarily Entirely Rooted in Technology


My grandmother took care of her 14 children, all the while dealing with a war that has yet to cease. She has continued to innovate to adapt to a quotidian life marked by a lack of water and electricity.

My mother had to face war during her daily life, as well. She had to find original solutions  with sparse resources so that we could escape the situation.


In India, Africa, and various countries ravaged by war, people constantly innovate. But these “smart” solutions are often quite costly. We have much to learn from people of these countries. The future of our cities could also profit from their knowledge, and these “frugal” innovations.


Putting Man First and Foremost in the City of Tomorrow


Before 1975, Beirut had been a cosmopolitan city that breathed life. Today, Lebanon’s capital bears the scars of a civil war. It is an exhausted city, that desperately wishes to reclaim its colorful energy and life it once had. Beirut doesn’t want to be “smart” ; Beirut wants to find its soul, its joy. It isn’t looking for technology, but a guarantee that everyone can live and share in harmony. Above all, it is a human project. It’s a dream that is also shared by cities such as Damascus, Baghdad, or Tobruk.


The Tower of Babel

The city of tomorrow can be built around increasingly high towers, inhabited by people  who don’t necessarily understand each other, even if a common language has been found. The myth of Babel is a cautionary tale, warning us of the dangers of a purely technological project.


It is incredibly important to put people at the heart of our urban plans. The challenge is to create links, harmony, and joy amongst the inhabitants of our cities, so that they may become places of peace, joy, happiness, and well-being for all.





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