News and Events

8 to 10/03/2010
4th Arab Cleaner Production Workshop (Jordan)
Chaden DIYAB, General Manager and Founder of IES EMEA, participated as a speaker to the 4th Arab Cleaner Production Workshop in Amman (Jordan). This participation reinforces our partnership with the Royal Society of Jordan.
Representing some French SMBs in the conference, she made the promotion of their innovative eco-technologies for the Middle-East markets.
MEET INNOV 2010 Professional Innovation meeting (France)
The 6th Edition of the Meet InnoV meeting, organised by the French Val de Marne development agency, has held at the Pavillon Baltard of Nogent sur Marne city (France).
IES EMEA participated to this event alongside innovative businesses, large groups, research laboratories, and investors, who came from many Europeans countries.
More information: -
18 to 20/10/2010
Fair and Conference in Doha (Qatar)
Ministry of energy and industry of the State of the Qatar organized in partnership with Qatar Petroleum, a fair and Conference on industrial investment in Doha (Qatar).
IES EMEA represented by Chaden DIYAB had a booth on the trade show alongside numerous industrial groups of oil and gas sector. This International Business conference was the opportunity to meet numerous companies in Qatar International Exhibition Center.
3rd "Atrium des méliers" job fair UPMC (France)
IES EMEA has participated to the 3rd "Atrium des métiers" job fair in Paris (France). The event organized by the UPMC represents for us a strong link, to develop, between universities and businesses.
The UPMC aims to promote fundamental research excellence and technological innovation engines.
More information: -
10 to 13/11/2010
MeDays Edition 2010 (Morocco)
Chaden DIYAB, founder and general manager of IES EMEA participated to the 2010 Edition of MEDays in Tangier (Morocco), in the presence of a community of more than 150 high-level stakeholders.
She contributed to this event on the theme of sustainable energies, transportation and technology partnership between North and South.
More information: -
INNOV'EXPORT PME Forum organized by CGPME (France)
IES EMEA has participated to the "INNOV'EXPORT PME" FORUM in Paris (France).
The event organized by CGPME and La Poste company introduced new operational tools and partners to help you in your international project development.
More information (in french):
Morocco: a country in the process of sustainable develo- pment (France)
IES EMEA attended to a meeting organized by the Commerce Chamber of Paris On Marocco. Real business opportunities are possible for SMEs in this country where the business climate is getting favorable to environment and energy sectors. The purpose of this meeting and the aim of our participation to this event, was to reaffirm this dynamic to French companies (SMEs - SMIs) to pursue the sustainable development path in Marocco.
Energy and Renewables: What technologies and future needs?(France)
LaSalle Beauvais organized a meeting to discuss on the theme of the French Grenelle de l'Environment, with a special focus on "Renewable energy: technologies and futures".
This symposium provided an update on the progress of research and new technologies related to Renewable Energy. IES EMEA, represented by Dr Chaden DIYAB, intervenes in this meeting to present its experience on technology transitions in the Mediterranean.
Forum Innovation a chance for the Middle-East (France)
The 2nd Edition of the forum entitled "Innovation, a chance for the Middle East", placed under the high patronage of the Minister of State, Alain Juppe, was held to discuss in Paris the themes of water, energy, food security and information and communication technologies.
Chaden DIYAB, Director of IES EMEA, joined more than 100 directors of companies coming from around the Mediterranean to promote business and technological partnerships.
French-German meeting for electric and electronic industries (France)
IES EMEA attended on last 30th June to the first Franco-German Conference on electrical and electronic industries. A panel of policy makers and major French and German electrical and electronic industry CEO (FIEEC and ZVIE representatives) took the opportunity to discuss on the response given by the industry (energy efficiency, smart grid, modernization...) and on the conditions of success for growth and employment.
UN compliment IES on its work for technological partnership (Lebanon)
The United Nations ESCWA and Arab development, industrial and mining (AIDMO) organized in cooperation with the UNIDO, the UNEP, the German Agency (GIZ) and the League of Arab States, a conference on the role of green industries in promoting socio-economic development in Arab countries. At this conference, the United Nations representatives recognized IES model for technology partnership during the presentation of its experience.
3 to 4/09/2011
Conference on the role of green industries for economic and social development (Jordan)
IES EMEA took part with 200 global companies to this event. Dr. Diyab had the opportunity to present the importance of environmental technology partnerships between North and South for industrial production processes and improvement of environmental quality, but also as an opportunity to create sustainable green industry jobs.
IES EMEA new blog lauching
Launching the IES EMEA blog on Countries in the Mediterranean region, Ethic Business code ...
Enter in the IES world
13 to 15/03/2012
Bahrain Green-Tech EXPO 2012 (Barhain)
IES participated and contributed to the Bahrain International Green Technology Expo, held under the auspices of Personal Representative of His Majesty the King, and part-organised by UNIDO.
During the three days event at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Centre, participants focused on presenting the latest trends in green technology, issues on emission control and climate change, and best practices in almost all spheres of industry.
Entrepreneurship Day EUROMED Management (France)
Associated in a Forum including 16 booths, 13 workshops and debates, and 2 major conferences, IES has contributed to this event by reaffirming a vision of innovation and technological partnership as an opportunity for sustainable North South co-development.
ACCEDE Provence Entrepreneurs association of EUROMED Management School, also organized the award ceremony of its first Euro-Mediterranean business competition.
OECD Idea Factory (France)
Chaden DIYAB has represented IES EMEA during the OECD Idea Factory held in Paris the 28th of May. This meeting invites OECD Forum experts to work together and combine their experiences and perspectives. Inside the Idea Factory everyone is part of the process, everyone's experience counts, ideas can be combined, tested, prototyped and formed into potential new solutions.
Watch 2013 OECD Idea Factories: What energy choices for a sustainable future?
20 to 21/03/2014
RUE 2014 Meeting (France)
In the R&D-Innovation village from the RUE 2014 (Meeting University Businesses), IES EMEA and public or private actors meet them during two days to enhance their expertise, build together the innovative actions of tomorrow or mount partnerships with: institutions of higher education, public R&D, institutional laboratories, Ministry of industry (French DGCIS), French investors, R&D head of major groups, Innovative SMEs, clusters, IRT, ITE, SATT.
More information:
The Arab world: lever of growth for SMEs (France)
The business club of Arab Business Leaders, the University Paris-Dauphine, IPEMED and the French-Arab Chamber of Commerce co-hosted a conference on the theme: "the Arab world: lever of growth for SMEs". Chaden DIYAB participated to this conference and to the "face to face" meetings with Arab and European professionals planning international projects in the Middle East and North Africa.
More information: Chaden DIYAB speach
11 to 12/06/2014
EnvirOnord Exhibition 2014 (France)
The cd2e(French cluster for eco-technologies and eco-enterprises) and Enterprise Europe Network organized a networking event on Eco-technologies. It was held the 11th of June afternoon and the 12th of June all day in Lille Grand Palais, during the environmental trade fair ENVIRONORD. This matchmaking event was a unique platform for IES EMEA, and other SMEs, start-ups and larger companies as well as research institutes to find new business partners, initiate cross border co-operations.
First Trade Mission to Paris Fondation Cartier (France)
The Dubai Business Women Council (DBWC), the official representative organization for business women in Dubai, along with the FBC Dubai & Northern Emirates, organized their first trade mission to France for Fifteen high profile Emirati. The goal was to promote business and explore synergies between Dubai, the greater UAE, and France. IES EMEA participated to this event, to the Cartier Awards with the business incubator "Paris pionnières", with the trade mission participants.
AUTOPIA : Green technology and Innovation (France)
Autopia is an international project for the advancement of innovative environmental technologies in order to make them more accessible to all. The idea is to use these technologies to create "green cities" that both improve the quality of life. The Autopia project has been established, organized and is promoted by IES-EMEA. Through IES-EMEA's management, relationships are being built among the inventors, and all other actors.
More information: Website presentation

Company profile
Integrated actions to speed up your development in Mediterranean Countries
We assist northern businesses and organisations (SMBs, Large group, ...) to promote their structure or projects and help them to expand in the Euro-Mediterranean space through their proven know-how or innovative expertise.
We also assist companies in Mediterranean countries, investors, public agencies and provide them with smart and innovative solutions regarding their environmental issues. We help to define sustainable strategies and create partnerships with innovative companies from the North, providing solutions adaptable to their local environment.
Our Services

We provide a technical expertise with a multi-disciplinary team of Expert Partners and Consultants.
we manage your relationship with stakeholders and intervene in the negotiations.
IES EMEA is able to manage your projects in and outside the European Union.
Knowledge of rules governing trade with Mediterranean countries, coupled with ongoing monitoring of the eco-environmental international regulatory issues, helps to ensure compliance and relevance of our services (including managing risks in certain local markets).