Complete and integrated services
We help companies in Mediterranean countries, investors, public agencies and provide them smart and innovative solutions regarding their environmental issues. We help them to define sustainable strategies and create partnerships with innovative companies from the North, providing them solutions adaptable to their local environment.
We also assist northern businesses (SMBs, Large group) to expand in the Euro-Mediterranean space through their proven innovative expertise.

Energy & CO2
Energy and CO2 Management
Energy is a strategic sector to build a future of peace and prosperity in the Mediterranean. The integration of renewable energy sources (solar, wind ...) represents a major opportunity for developing countries because of their abundance.


The pollution of the Mediterranean is a common threat to all countries of the region. Innovative remediation methods could be a solution to reduce risks and manage environmental or health impacts.

Wastes & Water

Water is source of life and conflict. The management of water resources in the Mediterranean is a key issue for development. The major challenges around which meet both North and South countries of the Mediterranean on this issue are climatic change and the management of natural resources.

Green cities

Urbanisation with growing populations in European and Mediterranean cities is addressing multiple challenges with social, economical and environmental issues. Sustainable development principles allow us to manage this complexity with an integrated approach.
IES - EMEA provides expertise on key levers for the success of projects in our area of expertise. Specific partnerships have been developed to provide an integrated offer on economical, social and technical issues.